
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Exeter College Chapel

Located in the heart of Oxford, the Chapel of Exeter College was built 1856-59 by G.G. Scott and modeled after Paris' Sainte Chapelle. The "greater part of the mosaics" on the east end were the gift of Dr. George Ridding, Bishop of Southwell.

The arcaded Salviati mosaics in the apse feature familiar themes for such locations: the four Evangelists, Christ and angels, the Lamb of God and the Pelican in her Piety. An 1871 catalog called "Views of Oxford" already refers to a "mosaic altarpiece" and based upon a photograph located in the Cornell University archives, by 1885 they had all been installed.

Exeter College
Cornell University Archives
Pierrot Heritier Photos
richardr's flickr Photostream
Bach at Astoft
Taunt, Henry W. " 'A' List of of views of Oxford and the neighborhoods." Oxford Architectural Society, Third Ed. 1871. 9.
Stride, William Keatley. "Exeter College." London: F.E. Robinson and Company, 1900. 199.
Carr, William. "Oxford University College Histories." Psychology Press, 1902. 199.

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