
Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Botolph without Bishopsgate

Designed by James Gould and built in 1729, this is the fourth church in this location.

The unusual altar reredos are by Salviati and depict the figures of St. John the Evangelist and Moses (earlier incorrectly identified as possibly Christ and the church's namesake) flanking a somewhat stylized tree of life in the middle.

Parish and Ward Church of St. Botolph
Simon_K's flickr Photostream
Barr, Sheldon. Venetian Glass Mosaics: 1860-1917. London: Antique Collectors' Club, 2008. 125.
M. Ellis, church administrator. August 1, 2018.


  1. I have only just found this fascinating website - what a treasure trove! I hope you won't mind if I correct the assumptions about the figures in the reredos of this church - indeed it's difficult to make them out in the chosen photograph - they are St John the Evangelist and Moses, not Christ and St Botolph. I may be able to find a clearer photograph for you if that would be helpful? M Ellis, Administrator

    1. Thank you for the information. I've made the correction!
